HCC Redistricting Information
We encourage members of the public to regularly visit this site for updates concerning redistricting and proposed maps.
Redistricting is the process by which the boundaries of elective districts (e.g., single-member districts) are periodically redrawn in response to changes in population. Houston Community College System is currently divided into nine single-member districts.
Every ten years, the U.S. Census data is published including the most recent population statistics. Texas Education Code Section 130.0822 (a) and (k) requires a board to re-divide single-member districts “if the census data indicates that the population of the most populous district exceeds the population of the least populous district by more than 10 percent.”
Not later than the 90th day before the day of the first regular trustee election at which trustees may officially recognize and act on the last preceding federal census, the board must redivide the district into the appropriate number of trustee districts if the census data indicates that the population of the most populous district exceeds the population of the least populous district by more than 10 percent.
Houston Community College System holds elections in November of odd-numbered years. For the November 7, 2023 election date, the Board of Trustees is required to redistrict by August 8, 2023.
If the System’s 2020 census data shows that the population of the most populous single-member district exceeds the population of the least populous single-member district by more than ten percent, the System’s current single-member district map must be redrawn so that each single-member district is of near equal population and the population of the most populous single-member district does not exceed the population of the least populous single-member district by more than ten percent. In April of 2022, the Board of Trustees adopted a process and timeline on redistricting, including multiple opportunities for public input.
HCC will host Redistricting Community Forums within each Trustee district, on select dates between January 9 and February 2, 2023. Please see the Community Events section below to find the schedule for each specific district.
HCC Redistricting Timeline
Date |
Meeting |
Action |
February 16, 2022 |
Regular Board Meeting |
Legal overview and introduce proposed redistricting process, criteria, and timeline |
April 20, 2022 |
Regular or Special Board Meeting on Redistricting |
Board adopts redistricting criteria, process, and timeline |
May 18, 2022 |
Regular or Special Board Meeting on Redistricting |
Board receives 2020 Census data and change analysis from demographer and legal team |
September 21, 2022 |
Regular or Special Board Meeting on Redistricting | Board receives and comments on initial maps from demographer |
October 19, 2022 |
Regular or Special Board Meeting on Redistricting |
Board receives summary of website public comments on initial maps; Board receives and comments on additional/amended maps |
November 16, 2022 |
Regular or Special Board Meeting on Redistricting |
Board receives summary of website public comments on amended maps; Board receives and comments on third round of maps |
December 14, 2022 |
Regular or Special Board Meeting on Redistricting |
Board receives summary of website public comments on third round of maps; Board narrows down to 1-2 maps |
January 9 - February 2, 2023 |
Community Forums |
Community forums regarding the redistricting of the Houston Community College System will be held in each Trustee District. The forums will also be live-streamed. Please visit HCC’s Redistricting Page at www.hccs.edu for the link to the live streams. Information on the community forums is accessible at https://www.hccs.edu/about-hcc/board-of-trustees/hcc-redistricting-information/community-events/. |
February 15, 2023 |
Regular or Special Board Meeting on Redistricting |
Formal public hearing on maps; Board receives summary of website and single member district community meeting public comments on maps; Board receives potential vote dilution/retrogression analysis |
February 28, 2023 |
Public Comments/Maps |
Written public comments and maps due |
April 19, 2023 |
Special Board Meeting on Redistricting |
Discuss and consider final maps. Adopt final redistricting map (six months prior to November 2023 election) |
Redistricting Criteria Adopted by HCC Board
- Easily identifiable geographic and political boundaries shall be followed when possible;
- Single-member districts shall be as nearly as practicable of equal population in terms of total population according to the 2020 census;
- The System shall keep the total deviation between the largest and smallest single-member district at or within ten percent;
- Single-members districts shall be compact to the extent possible and composed of contiguous territory;
- Single-member districts shall preserve incumbent-constituency relations by placing the residence of existing trustees in separate single-member districts;
- Where possible, the proposed map shall maintain communities of interest within single-member districts and attempts should be made to avoid splitting neighborhoods when redrawing single-member district lines;
- Single-member districts shall be drawn to avoid splitting county election precincts to the extent possible, unless necessary to balance single-member district population;
- The racial and language minority status of residents shall be considered only to the narrow extent needed to avoid violating the Fifteenth Amendment and Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended, and the aforementioned provisions of the Texas Education Code (e., avoid retrogression of minority voting rights by drawing a plan where minority voting strength is not diminished relative to the existing plan); and
- Existing single-member district boundaries shall be preserved to the extent possible.
What are key facts I should know about the HCC redistricting process?
- HCC has 9 single member districts (SMDs)
- Houston Community College added 153,747 persons from 2010 to 2020
- Total District Population is now 1, 854, 846 persons
- Most populous single-member district changed from District 4 in 2010 to District 6 in 2020
- Least populous single-member district in 2010 and 2020 is District 3
How can I give feedback?
We encourage members of the community to review the proposed maps and provide feedback on proposed maps and/or to submit proposed maps to help ensure fair representation in the Houston Community College redistricting process. Persons providing comments and/or proposed maps must identify themselves by full name and home address and provide a phone number and, if available, an email address. The Board may wish to follow up on such comments or obtain additional information about submitted maps.
All proposed maps submitted to HCC for consideration must:
- Be in writing and be legible;
- Be based on the 2020 Federal Census;
- Identify all proposed boundaries (e.g., street names and/or physical features)
- Redistrict the entire HCC System, including specifically all nine trustee single-member districts;
- Show the total population and voting age population for African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Anglo/Other for each proposed trustee district based on the 2020 Census Data. If a map is submitted without a population breakdown, the Board may not have sufficient information to give it full consideration; and
- Conform to the redistricting criteria adopted by the HCC Board of Trustees.
Complete and submit comments and/or proposed maps using our online Redistricting Feedback Form or email hcc.redistricting@hccs.edu.
Deadline to submit proposed maps is February 28, 2023.
Deadline to submit comments is February 28, 2023.