Redistricting Maps
Proposed Redistricting Maps
The HCC Board of Trustees is seeking public comment on Plan 1A. To see all redistricting plans considered by the Board, please click on the “Presentations” tab, and select “September 21 Board Meeting – Redistricting Maps Presentation”.
How can I give feedback?
We encourage members of the community to review the proposed maps and provide feedback on proposed maps and/or to submit proposed maps to help ensure fair representation in the Houston Community College redistricting process. Persons providing comments and/or proposed maps must identify themselves by full name and home address and provide a phone number and, if available, an email address. The Board may wish to follow up on such comments or obtain additional information about submitted maps.
All proposed maps submitted to HCC for consideration must:
- Be in writing and be legible;
- Be based on the 2020 Federal Census;
- Identify all proposed boundaries (e.g., street names and/or physical features)
- Redistrict the entire HCC System, including specifically all nine trustee single-member districts;
- Show the total population and voting age population for African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Anglo/Other for each proposed trustee district based on the 2020 Census Data. If a map is submitted without a population breakdown, the Board may not have sufficient information to give it full consideration; and
- Conform to the redistricting criteria adopted by the HCC Board of Trustees.
Complete and submit comments and/or proposed maps using our online Redistricting Feedback Form or email
Deadline to submit proposed maps is February 28, 2023.
Deadline to submit comments is February 28, 2023.