A message from HCC Trustee Neeta Sane

Jul 29, 2015

Neeta Sane, Trustee, District VII

Dear neighbors,

We are excited about the growth and expansion of Houston Community College. As Trustee for District VII, I am pleased that we are moving forward enthusiastically to prepare our students for the 21st century workforce and education.

HCC is the number one developer in Houston of workforce-ready candidates. Programs created through strong partnerships are preparing a future generation of entrepreneurs for business success. That includes an ongoing collaboration with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses. This program has successfully helped Small Business owners grow their revenue and create jobs to boost the Houston economy.

Starting this fall, HCC will launch its very first Teen Entrepreneur College (TEC), a credit-based program designed to introduce high school students to entrepreneurial and innovative thinking and encourage students to begin the pathway to college completion.

HCC also continues to meet the industry demands for skilled workers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields. We recently broke ground at the Alief Campus for the West Houston Institute. The facility will offer STEM courses using 21st Century school philosophies and interactive learning environments. We are progressing with plans to move the Missouri City Campus from Sienna Plantation to a Texas Parkway location that will house a Center for Entrepreneurship, Technology and Health (CETH). Crews are laying the foundation for the new Stafford Workforce Building that will offer courses that include manufacturing, robotics, welding, and pipefitting.

Working for you, we will continue our commitment to student success and enhancing opportunities across the Greater Houston area.

In service,

Neeta Sane

HCC Board of Trustees

District VII

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