HCC Foundation gets grant from Bank of America to support Adult Education students

May 22, 2015

During the May meeting of the Houston Community College Board of Trustees, the Bank of America Charitable Foundation presented the HCC Foundation with a $30,000 Workforce Development and Education grant.

The funding supports tuition, fees, books and credentialing exams for students enrolled in the Computer Support Specialist (CSS) certificate training with accompanying contextualized Adult Education coursework. This initiative is part of the HCC Accelerate TEXAS program.

Funding received from Bank of America will increase and extend HCC services to The Chinese Community Center and The Alliance for Multicultural Services, both of which are located in a geographic region of Houston that has a high concentration of individuals who need significant amounts of workforce training.

“We are excited to have Bank of America’s support to increase our presence in these communities,” said Carme Williams, HCC Foundation executive director. “This funding will allow HCC workforce development to expand to individuals to increase their earning potential.”

David Ruiz, senior vice president and market manager for Community Engagement with Bank of America Houston presented a check for $30,000 to members of the HCC Foundation and Dr. David Joost, executive director of HCC Adult Education programs.

“We congratulate you for the work you are doing in addressing the needs of unprepared individuals who need that extra training and certificate to get on the road to earn a livable wage and improve this terrific Houston economy,” said Ruiz.

Accelerate TEXAS programs help underprepared adults to quickly complete high-demand career training programs while they are concurrently enrolled in support classes that improve their reading and math skills.

HCC was one of the first institutions to receive Accelerate TEXAS funding from The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) which has helped prepare many adult learners to enter college and succeed.

For more information on the HCC Foundation, visit hccsfoundation.org.

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