Fort Bend students commit to HCC at Decision Day

May 31, 2017


More than 5,500 Fort Bend high school seniors recently packed the Smart Financial Centre in Sugar Land for the second annual Fort Bend Decision Day. The seniors pledged to continue their education upon high school graduation. Over 500 of them from all 11 high schools in the Fort Bend Independent School District committed to attend Houston Community College (HCC) in the fall.

During the two-hour event, Swoop, the HCC mascot, celebrated the Class of 2017 by handing out HCC t-shirts and lunch boxes to the students who committed to HCC. Students also enjoyed a special presentation by a drum line and a step team from one of the Fort Bend elementary schools, as well as previously recorded videos of students freestyling about attending college. During the five-hour event, they heard motivational speeches from Super Bowl Champion Martellus Bennett and from professional skater Mike Smith.

“It was a cool event and I’m glad I could a part of such a big step in a young person’s life,” said Libby Atilano, an HCC Southwest College recruiter. “You could feel the student’s excitement and enthusiasm as they prepared to begin their college journey.”

HCC is proud to be a sponsor of this annual event that promotes the importance of higher education. All of the the students who attended Fort Bend Decision Day say they will attend a two-year college, a four-year university or enlist in the U.S. military.

For more information on how to register for classes at HCC, visit: hccs.edu/apply.

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