HCC gets Alief ISD students ready for the workforce

Jan 13, 2017


Ninety-six students in Alief ISDs Career and Technical Education program have earned the nationally recognized employability credential known as the Career Readiness Certificate (CRC).

alief isd career readiness w/ HCC Chancellor

Alief students with HCC Chancellor 2017 Jan


The CRC was developed by ACT to validate a person’s workplace skills. It immediately tells an employer that an applicant has the necessary foundational skills to perform the functions of a job, and is also a great indicator of trainability. Having a CRC gives students a distinct advantage over other applicants when applying for jobs.

Students in the Welding, Construction Technology, and Mill & Cabinet Making programs sat for 3 assessments that led to the certification. The CRC tests a person’s ability to read and understand workplace documents, perform work-related math, and to find and use information presented in graphic form, such as charts, tables, graphs and blueprints.

The US Department of Labor recognizes the CRC as a portable, stackable, industry-recognized certification, and is used in all 50 states.

The CRC is awarded at 4 levels – BRONZE, SILVER, GOLD, and PLATINUM.

10 students scored well enough to earn a GOLD certificate, the highest number since this partnership began over 4 years ago.

On hand to congratulate and encourage these students was our very own Chancellor, Dr. Cesar Maldonado, District VI Trustee, John P. Hansen, NW College President, Dr. Zachary Hodges, Alief ISD Superintendent, HD Chambers, as well as many other HCC and Alief ISD administrators, staff, and faculty.

Congratulations to all the students on this wonderful achievement!

For more information please contact Ken Gurka or Elizabeth Buerkle, Senior WorkKeys Program Coordinators – 713.718.5766 or 713.718.5718.

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