Newsletter from Trustee Rhonda Skillern-Jones, District II

Nov 5, 2020

Dear Neighbors,

From the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Houston Community College has worked to minimalize its spread on its campuses and protect the health and well-being of its students.

HCC follows guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, greeting students and visitors to campuses with strict protocols, including temperature checks, before being allowed entrance. Classrooms, labs and other surfaces are sanitized throughout the day. Social distancing is maintained. Additional class labs and sections have been added so enrollments in each can be kept to a safe number.

A move to online and hybrid classes helps to protect health by allowing more students to attend classes from home. In fact, today’s HCC student has four learning modes to choose from:

  • Flex Campus: Students enroll in classes and have the choice to attend either online or in person at the scheduled dates and times
  • Lab-Based Courses: HCC’s skills-based, hands-on lab courses host fewer students per section to enable social distancing
  • Online Anytime: Students take classes online at any time. These are traditional online classes, and students never come to campus
  • Online on a Schedule: Students take classes online at scheduled class time they select when enrolling, and never come to campus


Because of these opportunities, there is no reason to postpone enrolling for classes this spring. Registration is already underway for classes that begin January 19. If you are considering beginning or resuming a certificate or degree at HCC, here is a list of valuable resources to help you get started:

Register and enroll: hccs.edu/now

Learn about financing college: hccs.edu/financial-aid and hccs.edu/foundation Learn how to obtain a free or reduced cost computer or Wi-Fi: hccs.edu/techhelp Learn what we’re doing to limit the spread of COVID-19: hccs.edu/covid-19 Discover childcare options for students: hccs.edu/childcare

Explore career and job placement services: hccs.edu/careerhub

Research small business support: hccs.edu/oei

I hope you will explore the many opportunities available at Houston Community College, and join us for a class—online or hybrid—this spring!


In service,

Trustee Rhonda Skillern-Jones Signature

Rhonda Skillern-Jones

HCC Board of Trustees

District II


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