F-1 International Student

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Welcome Future HCC Eagle!

Whether you are applying at HCC in another country or if you are already in the U.S., you are welcome at HCC. The application process for international students requires you to complete key steps and upload specific documents. 

If you are an F-1 student applicant, please select the type below and proceed to the steps.

Note: If you are an international student planning to attend HCC on a status different than F-1 (DACA, refugee, L visa, H visa, etc.), please follow the instructions for Non-Internatonal students (First-Time, Transfer, Returning, etc.) on www.hccs.edu/apply.

Students under 18 years of age: An F-1 international student under the age of 18 who wishes to gain admission to HCC must provide documentation to prove that he/she has achieved the equivalency of a U.S. high school diploma in his/her country by submitting a transcript evaluation along with their application. Accepted agencies are listed here.

Using an Agency

IMPORTANT: Students do not need to secure a third-party agency to gain admission to HCC. HCC staff is available at no cost to students to assist with the admissions and registration process. If a student chooses to utilize the services of a third-party agency, the student should be aware that they assume full responsibility for all actions conducted by the third-party agent acting on the student’s behalf. Although rare, there have been incidents of third-party agencies submitting fraudulent admissions documentation on behalf of a student. If fraudulent activity is committed by an agency representative acting on behalf of a student, the student is fully responsible and may be subject to disciplinary action. Given that third-party agencies often require personally identifiable information from students to act on their behalf, it is also possible for an agent to gain access to a student’s online student account and make changes without the student’s consent.

Additional Resources

Contact Us

Office of International Student Services

ISP Zoom: https://www.zoomgov.com/j/16191658133