Alief I.S.D. Partnership

Alief I.S.D. Seniors, we would like you to go to the best college that you can attend and afford. Universities oftentimes do not make their decisions until very late, leaving students not a lot of choices. The majority of students are not admitted to the program of their first choice, are not awarded full financial aid as promised and most importantly, they do not get the schedule as desired.

Houston Community College and Alief I.S.D. have partnered to provide:
Priority Student On-boarding and Registration (PSOAR) to Houston Community College.
All Alief I.S.D. Seniors are eligible to participate.
PSOAR program allows for a seamless college onboarding process with Intentional Engagement & Wrap Around Efforts.

Whether you are looking to pursue a short workforce program or take a course to transfer. HCC advisors would be happy to assist you with the following:

  • Admission & Application Process
  • Declare your major
  • Course Selection
  • Financial Aid Application & Questions
  • Scholarships & Books
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The best part is that your college admissions process is complete prior to the summer break. If you are interested, please fill out the interest card below: