PepsiCo Foundation Uplift Scholarship Program

The Uplift Scholarship Program: An HCC-PepsiCo Foundation Partnership
The Uplift Scholarship program is a partnership between Houston Community College and The PepsiCo Foundation to tackle education inequalities.
The scholarship program offers a broad range of training and services to help students complete their education and obtain jobs with livable and sustainable wages in high-growth, high-demand fields.
Scholarships will be awarded to qualifying students to offset tuition and other associated costs.
Key Qualification Criteria:
- For credit programs, students must enroll in at least 6 credit hours per semester.
- For those pursuing AAS degree and/or Level 2 certificates must either meet the benchmark scores required for “college-ready” coursework or demonstrate proof of TSI Exemption as referenced HERE
- Current HCC students must have at least a 2.5 GPA and continue to maintain a 2.5 GPA
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PepsiCo Foundation Uplift Scholarship Program