Medical Humanities
Exploring the Intersections of Culture + Society + Medicine

Medical Humanities is the interdisciplinary study of the arts, literature, psychology, biology, and culture, as they relate to healthcare. These disciplines embrace the humanistic study of health and caregiving’s ethical, social, and spiritual questions.
Who Should Study Medical Humanities?
Medical Humanities is valuable if you’re pursuing virtually any career path, including but not limited to health career majors: health law, medical social work, nursing, public health, and public policy studies.
Benefits of the Medical Humanities Badge
Academic & Career Preparation
When one learns about past medical successes and failures, one begins to understand the huge breadth of the human experience. This includes its communities, cultures, beliefs, stories, and the arts. Engaging with these facets of humanity helps inform students that all people are human and should be included in professionals’ thinking and decision-making. Medical humanities students gain a sense of perspective and an empathetic awareness about moral issues in medicine.
Widened Job Perspectives
The interdisciplinary nature of medical humanities opens up diverse career paths for students, both clinical and non-clinical. From direct patient care roles such as counseling and social work to behind-the-scenes roles in health administration or policy formulation.
Validated Achievement
With an HCC Medical Humanities Badge, you will receive a Credly digital badge which is a validated, digital indicator of accomplishments. You will be able to share your badge with an institution or employer to show proof of your achievements.
Medical Humanities Badge Requirements
15 semester credit hours towards your academic core requirements
Anchor Course (3 hrs)
Introduction to Humanities (HUMA 1301) with Medical Humanities tag
Tagged Courses (6 hrs)
Complete 6 semester credit hours from your core course requirements with Medical Humanities tag
Academic Core (6 hrs)
Complete an additional 6 semester credit hours towards your academic core requirements
Contact Information
For questions contact:
Dr. Joanna Fax
Dr. Irene Geisler
Dr. Lauran Kerr-Heraly