HCC Textbook Saving Program

HCC Textbook Savings Program

The HCC Textbook Saving Program is an initiative to help students save money on textbooks.

The Textbook Savings Program promotes "affordable learning" by collaborating with faculty to uncover high-quality, low-cost or no-cost resources for students, allowing them to concentrate on learning rather than the expense of textbooks. The program also focuses on “equity” by ensuring that all students have the course materials on day one regardless of their financial status.

How did The HCC Textbook Savings Program come to be?

The HCC Textbook Savings Program initiative is designed to benefit students at Houston Community College. The cost for textbooks, software, and course materials have continued to rise adding to the expense of higher education. Houston Community College is committed to identifying quality instructional materials for our students to help them achieve their educational goals without incurring unnecessary costs.


Where do I find classes using the HCC Textbook Savings Program?

All options of The HCC Textbook Savings Program classes are designated on the HCC student schedules in both SOS and CourseFinder.


Additional Resources:


Textbook Savings Program Contact Information

Inclusive Access - First Day:

Donald Parker, Inclusive Access Coordinator




Open Educational Resources/Z-Degree/Zero Cost Books:

Remya Mohanraj, OER/Z-Degree Coordinator




Instructional Course Materials:

Wendy Sera, Instructional Course Materials Coordinator




Barnes & Noble District Bookstore Manager:

Kayla Vergin, Barnes & Noble District Bookstore Manager

713-528-0872 or 713-528-0897
