HCC pathway to SFA

Maximize your HCC credits at SFA

The interior design industry in Houston is growing, with graduates earning an average annual income of $60,000. With a creative partnership with Stephen F. Austin State University Interior Design Program, local Houston students can remain in the city and receive their Bachelors degree through online or in-person SFA classes at the HCC Central Campus. Graduates are also prepared to become Registered Interior Designers through the SFA Interior Design program which would include examination through NCIDQ (The National Council of Interior Design Qualification) and licensing through TBAE (The Texas Board of Architectural Examiners) The SFA program is a CIDA (Council for Interior Design Accreditation) accrediated program and is located in Nacogdoches, Texas.

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Get started with your next steps

Step 1: These classes are REQUIRED transfer classes to the SFA program

Core curriculm  and Interior Design classes

Communication - 6 hours
Mathematics - 3 hours
Life & Physical Sciences - 6 hours
Language, Philosophy, Culture - 3 hours
Creative Arts - 3 hours
American History - 6 hours must take this classes (HIST 1301, HIST 1302)
Government/Political Science - 6 hours
Social Behavioral Science - 3 hours
Component Area Options – 6 must take this classes (SPCH 1315, SPCH 1318)

See HCC Academic Core

 Required Interior Design transfer classes:

NDS 1311 - Fundamentals of Interior Design
INDS 2321 - Presentation Drawing
INDS 1349 - Fundamentals of Space Planning
INDS 1370 - History of Interiors
INDS 2313 - Residential Design
INDS 1315 - Materials, Methods and Estimating
INDS 2237 - Portfolio Presentation
INDS 2317 - Rendering Techniques
INDS 1301 - Basic Elements of Design
INDS 2271 - Digital Presentation Methods
INDS 2305 - Interior Design Graphics
INDS 1341 - Color Theory and Appreciation

See course finder to enroll


Step 2: Attend the Readiness Assessment prior to acceptance

Readiness Assessment

The ID Readiness Assessment is the chosen format for a student to demonstrate his/her ability to advance within the SFA Interior Design Program.

Students are required to sit for a day long skill assessment before taking HMS 314 & 314 L or taking leveling courses to compile with interior design standards.
Visit (http://www.sfasu.edu/hms/199.asp) for more information on the Readiness Assessment Process.


Step 3: A Minimum of 42 hours MUST be taken at SFA

SFA Transfer-Student approved policy
A Minimum of 42 hours MUST be taken at SFA with 36 hours being advanced.

Departmental Requirements (7 hrs)
HMS 100 , 300, 400(1)

Major (29 hrs)
HMS 113 (I hr), 312&L, 314 & L, 319, 410, 412&L, 414&L, 413 (2 hrs), 418, 420 (2hrs), AGR 480/425&L 

Support Area (3 hrs)
AGM 326 or HRT 326 

Remain (3 hrs)
HMS 426 or 3 adv hrs of electives

* Students must receive a C (2.0)or above on All Interior Design courses to satisfy degree components from both HCC and SFA.



Get in touch

Prof. Shasta Beveridge, M.Ed.,ASID Educator, IIDA, NKBA

Full-Time Faculty, Interior Design l Architectural Design & Construction Center of Excellence

Interior Design l Kitchen and Bath Design

Fine Arts Center Building - Suite 319 3517 Austin St., Houston, TX 77004

Hours of Operation: Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm

Sally Ann Swearingen, Associate Professor

Stephen F. Austin State University School of Human Sciences

615 Home Economics Dr., Nacogdoches, TX 75962

Crystal Deckard - Academic Advisor

For Advising

Sally Ann Swearingen - Associate Professor

Advising Questions & Questions About the Program