Employee and Student Assistance Programs

Through the resources of local, national, and college-based efforts, assistance is available for those individuals with alcohol and drug abuse problems. HCC offers the following drug and alcohol abuse information, counseling, assistance, and services:

Employee and Student Assistance Programs

National Resources


Other Resources

  • National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) The National Institute on Drug Abuse is a United States federal-government research institute whose mission is to "lead the Nation in bringing the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction."


Additional Assistance

Additional Assistance for Students:

Any student seeking assistance and/or resources for drug and alcohol use may contact an HCC counselor. HCC counselors are master’s level, licensed counselors trained to assist students in meeting their personal goals. Several counselors are certified specifically for drug and alcohol abuse. HCC counselors can assist students with personal problems and concerns and if necessary, may refer students to outside agencies for treatment and intervention. To assist in this mission, HCC counselors maintain current community resource information on area counseling, treatment, and rehabilitation programs.

Additional Assistance for Employees:

HCC offers an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The EAP is a confidential counseling service provided to employees and benefits-eligible dependents for personal and work concerns which may be interfering with work performance and/or quality of life. The EAP serves as an excellent resource for addressing difficult employee relations issues such as substance and alcohol abuse and workplace conflicts. Additionally, the EAP provides training opportunities for employees and supervisors.

The EAP may be contacted at 1-888-327-0004 or visit https://guidanceresources.com (Register > Organization Web ID: HCC)

For further information on the EAP, please reference the Employee Handbook.

  • Health insurance coverage is available for the treatment of alcohol and drug abuse. Employees should contact their individual health provider for information about insurance coverage.
  • Employees who voluntarily seek treatment or counseling for drug or alcohol-related problems are accommodated as much as possible to allow them to address the problem. Employees are encouraged to use available resources such as EAP, sick leave, compensation time, and vacation leave in order to participate in a drug rehabilitation program.


Health Risks:

Outlined below is a listing of drugs of abuse and their health risks taken from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration website. A more complete and detailed accounting may be found at their website at https://www.dea.gov/factsheets.