Defer Attendance Students

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Application deadlines

Deferment request deadlines

The OISS&SA must receive your deferment request on or before:

  • Applicants with initial I-20 for Fall Semester: September 28
  • Applicants with initial I-20 for Spring Semester: February 25
  • Applicants with initial I-20 for Summer Semester: July 6


Apply to HCC: Defer Attendance

About Deferred Attendance

If you are unable to obtain the F-1 student visa, or, for any other reason, are unable to report on time for the semester you initially applied for and wish to defer your attendance to the next available semester, you must submit a deferred attendance request in order to process a new SEVIS Form I-20 for the next term. The deferred attendance request and documents should be received no later than 50 days from the original program start date on your SEVIS Form I-20 to avoid having the I-20 canceled in the system. If the SEVIS Form I-20 has been canceled, you will need to apply again and submit the documentation as a New student.


Step 1: Submit Deferment Request Form

Complete, sign, and save the SEVIS Form I-20 Application‌ as a PDF file. Send it as an attachment to Write “DEFERMENT” and your HCC ID number in the subject line.


Step 2: Monitor your F-1 Student Checklist for Updates and Prepare Required Documents

* All documents must be saved as PDF files. Bad quality or upside-down documents will be rejected. Please combine different document types in 1 PDF file. For example, if you have statements from different banks, save them as one file. To scan and convert a file to PDF format, you can also use free PDF scanner apps (Genius Scan - PDF Scanner, Fast Scanner: Free PDF Scan for Android, Tiny Scanner- PDF scanner, etc.)

  1. Financial Documentation

    All financial documents must be dated within the past six months. However, if your previous documents on the record are dated within the past six months, no new documents are required.

We have waived the deferment application fee to assist you with your admission as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic should you experience any unpredictable scenarios or last-minute changes. 


Step 3: Upload Documents to your F-1 Student Checklist

Your F-1 Student Checklist will be updated with the items that will need to be uploaded.

  1. Log in to your account on the HCC Student System
  2. In Student Homepage, click on Checklists
  3. Click on the F-1 Student Checklist to upload the required documents (If you do not see an F-1 Student Checklist, please send an email to with your HCC student ID, "DEFERMENT," and semester you're applying for, written in the subject line. Check your account again within 3 business days, and the F-1 Student Checklist should now be available.)

* Monitor your F-1 Student Checklist for additional documents that may be required.


Tutorial - F1 Students Checklist_Prepare and Upload Documents


Step 4: Receive Your SEVIS Form I-20

Once the office receives all of your documents, you should wait at least 10 business days for processing of the SEVIS Form I-20. This time will vary depending on when the application is submitted and how many applicants there are at that time. Applications are processed in the order they are received.

We are now sending the I-20 form electronically via email (per SEVP COVID-19 temporary policy).  This action will eliminate any additional expenses for mailing, as well as help alleviate any uncertainty with receiving your I-20 in a timely manner due to postal service delays. 


Step 5. I-901 SEVIS Fee

As long as students maintain the same SEVIS record (same N number on the for I-20), there is no need to transfer their I-901 SEVIS Fee payment.

Students who are unable to enroll in the next session may defer their enrollment to the next available session. Fee transfers (in case of Form I-20 with new N number) are available for F students who have already paid the I-901 SEVIS Fee and who:

  • Reapply for a visa within 12 months of the date of their initial I-901 SEVIS Fee payment or
  • Are from a Visa Waiver Program country and reapply for status as a student at the port of entry within 12 months of the date of their initial I-901SEVIS Fee payment. Refer to the I-901 SEVIS Fee Frequently Asked Questions on for additional information about reapplying fees.